Mary C. Bobbett, BA, RDH
Registered Dental Hygienist, Nevada |
702-499-4699 |
Mary C. Bobbett attained a bachelors degree at Maryville University in Saint Louis. Teaching credentials were attained at
UNLV, Las Vegas and an associates degree in dental hygiene is from College of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas.
State of Nevada
Mary C. Bobbett is an Infection Control Inspector for the Nevada State Board of Dental Examiners. Several times a month she visits offices that are new or that have a new owner. Inspections check for each office to have written guidelines and proper clinical methods of cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of patient-care medical devices and cleaning and disinfecting the healthcare environment. Recommendations are by the CDC and the State of Nevada to see that compliance is achieved for the safety of all.
Local Participation
The Nevada State Board of Dental Examiners is the governing body where Ms. Bobbett attends meetings several times a year. Ms. Bobbett stays informed of the newest knowledge in the dental hygiene profession, using good judgment in the care of patients and performs to the best of her knowledge. Patient confidentially is important and part of upholding laws, regulations and ethics. Patients place a great deal of trust in dental services.
A national award was received from RDH Magazine and the Sunstar Company. Publications and presentations have been made. A video was produced for early grade school children and distributed to our local libraries and schools. The Community Emergency Response Team has trained us as “first responders.”
A dental mission to Bosnia was completed where war refugees were treated. There is a yearly prophy-sealant day in February
where services are rendered to underprivileged children from volunteers such as Ms. Bobbett. Dental hygiene gives Ms. Bobbett a chance to participate in community activities that promote dental health, show confidence in other health professions, be actively involved in the dental hygiene association and support the advancement of the dental hygienist.
More information can be found on the "Giving Back" page.
Travel I love traveling to all parts of the world and have been on all seven continents. Travel stems from growing up in a military family and moving every four years. Each trip I take holds a special memory and it is my hope to keep visiting different cultures each year, near and far.

Africa |

Sweden |

Egypt |

Antarctica |